Why Won’t My House Sell In The North East?

Has your house been stuck on the market despite the media practically shouting again about multiple offers, high demand and record setting prices?

These tips could be just what you need to help sell your home

Why won’t my house sell? – 8 Tips on how to Cure It

1) Get good help.

Just as it happened a few years ago, the recent media hype about record setting prices, multiple offers and high demand for properties has led to a plethora of novice agents and agencies popping up all over the country claiming they know everything.

But they don’t. Selling a house is a very complicated process and it takes years of being in the business to learn the nuances of financing, deal structure, and evaluation. For most people, their home is their biggest asset, don’t just trust anybody with selling it. If you want a great result from your sale, do your research on the most experienced and trusted agents in your area. Don’t be afraid to ask your agent about their experience in the market.

2) Don’t make too many improvements.

Too often we see over-improved properties, where owners have gone a step too far improving their home. Even with the best of intentions, and well executed improvements it’s hard to sell for a higher price than what the market is paying. Most buyers want to add personal touches to their home, and the improvements you made may not be in line with what they envision in their future home. Keep it simple and neutral.

3) Do make necessary improvements.

Leaving minor problems unfixed can scare off a lot of buyers. One of the best things you can do to help sell your home is fixing all of the small details, showing the buyer that you have looked after the property and they aren’t going to uncover more issues later on.

4) Style and design matters.

Curb appeal is a massively important factor when selling your property. Ignoring one area of your home to make improvements to the other will only hurt your ability to sell. You want to give the buyer a cohesive sense of style across the full property. Painting walls, landscaping and keeping the property immaculately clean will help you achieve this. Bringing in a professional designer to tastefully stage the property will also go a long way.

5) Pricing matters a lot.

Getting a lot of viewings on your property might seem great at first glance, but if the viewings aren’t coming along with offers on your home, then your price might not be right, consider getting another valuation done or coming down in price.

6) Be willing to negotiate

Buyers quite often will give an offer based upon requests, these can be negotiations in price, asking for repairs to be done, or even covering certain costs. Your agent will be able to give you sound advice on the best way to move forward in these situations. Try and be open to working with your buyers, especially if you aren’t getting many offers.

7) Bad Smells

If you smoke or have pets, you will probably won’t even notice the smell after being surrounded by it for so long. But buyers coming into your home will easily be able to pick up on these, and it can really leave a bad impression on them. Before a potential buyer comes for a viewing it is essential to get rid of anything that might smell, get rid of your rubbish, don’t cook strong-smelling foods like fish and make sure that your home smells fresh and clean.

8) Get rid of the clutter

When a buyer views a property, they might be interested in buying, they need to be able to envision their lives in that home. If your home is filled with personal belongings and family photos it makes this difficult for them to do. Instead making them feel like they’re invading your personal space and leaving an awkward feeling alongside the memory of the viewing. Make sure your property is free from clutter before putting it on the market.

If your house has been stuck on the market despite your best efforts to do all of the things listed here, a cash buyer may save you a lot of money by giving you a fast offer for your home. Helping you avoid months of estate agency fees, maintenance fees and mortgage payments, especially if your property is vacant.

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